Friday 20 November 2015

It all started with a Mouse

Hi there and welcome to Miss Monorail! My name is Jordan and I'm a self confessed Disney addict.

After having just returned from my second ever trip to Walt Disney World and knowing that it would be at least two or three years before I'd be able to return, I decided that I needed some way to keep some of that elusive Disney magic in my life. What better way to do that than by opening up a little space on the internet to share my happiest Disney memories, as well as tips, tricks and ideas for WDW newbies and experts alike! 

My ultimate goal is to visit every Disney park in the world (so original!) and maybe even throw in a Disney cruise or two.. unfortunately as a 23 year old secretary living in Glasgow, Scotland, it is probably going to take me quite a while to tick everything off of my list! 

Although I have now been to WDW for two years in a row, I'm sadly not in a financial situation that will allow me to continue going year after year (unless I want to live with my parents forever!), so with that in mind, I plan to share my ways of beating Disney park withdrawals as well as tips for getting your daily dose of Disney magic at home.

So please hop aboard as I begin my journey through life as a self confessed Disney gal...

¡Por favor manténgase alejado de las puertas!

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